This is the unspoilt, barren and almost uninhabited part of Ireland and should definitely not be missed. We drove the Sky Road ourselves (not for the faint of heart and quite a challenge of twists and turns on a steep and narrow one lane road) and I felt like we stopped every few minutes just to take postcard worthy photos. Around every bend, the scenery just got more spectacular with stunning views, wild landscapes and sheep grazing everywhere (beware you don’t hit them on the road). I also couldn’t get enough of the Connemara ponies just roaming freely which just added to the beauty and rugged landscape. About midway through the drive, you’ll come across Coyne’s, Connemara’s first pub. Like an oasis in the desert, Coyne’s just appears and is the perfect place to stop for a pint or a bite to eat as there are not too many more. Another must stop photo op is Assleigh Falls….a wide open field complete with a small waterfall, cottage and grazing horse. The day we drove was unseasonably sunny and warm and the sky the bluest of blue. I imagine that in weather less perfect, the drive would become even more challenging but would be just as beautiful. Whether you choose to drive yourself or take one of the many bus tours available, Connemara National Park should be on your list of things to do while you are in Ireland.

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Saw this sign in Coynes Pub and thought of a few people I’ve met in my life that it applied to for sure

and it makes me smile every time I see it…

Connemara Pony - Connemara National Park

Love, Love, Love these Connemara Ponies and I can’t tell you how many times we had to pull over the

car to take pictures. I think I knew Scott was the guy I’d spend the rest of my life with because he

patiently pulled over every time without even so much as a heavy sigh.

Connemara Pony - Connemara National Park

Connemara Pony - Connemara National Park



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